Want to commission a painting?
It all begins with an idea. Can you envision what you want to see on your wall? My process will help guide you to that vision through a multi step process.
Send me your ideas through email or social media direct message. I will respond and let you know if this is a project I’d like to take on (not every painting idea is something i’m interested in) and let you know where you would fit into my schedule. Before I can get started on your project, I’ll need to know that you’re serious! I charge 50% up front before sketches. Those payments could be transfered through apps such as Venmo, PayPal, or a private link.
Pricing varies depending on size and subject matter. Generally, I charge by the square inch. Smaller sizes will have a higher price per square inch than bigger sizes. We will work together to find a size that fits your budget.
After I receive your 50% deposit I will start sketching small thumbnail sketches of your idea, usually four to five different ideas. These sketches are critical when it comes to your paintings composition. Whether i’m sketching on location or from photographs, its best to not copy a scene or a photograph directly, but to come up with a composition that is the most visually pleasing. We will review these thumbnails together and choose one to be the final painting.
This is when the magic happens! When the preliminary steps are done and I have approval from you on the design, the painting begins. Throughout the painting process I will send you progress photos if you’d like, some people want it to be a surprise!
When the painting is finished and you’re happy with what you see or are fine with being surprised, then the remaining 50% is expected. I will not ship a painting if I am not paid in full. If you want the painting framed I can give you recommendations for what will look nice, or I can build a basic wood floater. A frame built by me will of course add an additional cost. My wood floaters usually range from $50-$100. The last step is to hang the painting in your desired space and enjoy, and of course tell your friends and family all about my artwork and how much you enjoyed this process!
Everything starts with getting the idea down on paper first in the sketchbook. I’ll usually sketch 4 to 5 little thumbnails to come up with a pleasing composition.
Color Study
This step isn’t always a necessity, but its a big help to know where my potential mistakes will arise in the final painting. This is just a small study painted on loose canvas to scale of the final painting. It helps to paint a small version in color before the final painting to see what’s going to work and what’s not going to work, and what I might want to add or subtract.
The Final Painting
Hopefully all the studies pay off to make the best image possible. No painting is ever perfect, but we can always strive to paint our best ideas. You can see that the final painting changed quite a bit compositionally compared to the initial sketches. I felt at the end of this painting that the open beach to the left was a bit of a void and lead your eye off the corner. This shadowed dune creates more of a pathway that keeps your eye in the scene in a cyclic vector.